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 Egemen devletler, ulusal hukuk hükümleriyle birlikte uluslararası hukuka göre deniz yetki alanlarını belirlerler. Türkiye’nin deniz mevzuatı bir hayli geniştir. Türkiye, denize ilişkin çok sayıda uluslararası sözleşmeye taraf olmuştur. Ayrıca yürürlükte bulunan çok sayıda kanun, yönetmelik ve daha alt seviyede düzenleyici işlem mevcuttur. Ne var ki, Türk hukukunda denizciliğin esaslarını düzenleyen bir çerçeve kanun kabul edilmiş değildir. Keza, Karasuları Kanunu hariç olmak üzere, diğer deniz yetki alanlarının belirlenmesini, bu alanlarda kullanılacak hak ve yetkileri düzenleyen bir kanun da mevcut değildir. Deniz yetki alanlarında kullanılacak hak ve yetkileri, sadece kendi uygulama kapsamı içinde düzenleyen münferit bazı kanun hükümleri mevcut ise de bunlar hem yetersizdir, hem de birbirleriyle uyumlu değildir. Esasen bunların bir kısmı, kurum veya kuruluşların kuruluş ve görevleriyle ilgilidir. Karasuları Kanunu, sadece Türk karasularının belirlenmesine ilişkin usul ve esaslar...

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has an independent EEZ

They say how did the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus's license areas in the Eastern Mediterranean come from; the answer is here The riparian states of the Eastern Mediterranean are attempting to declare an Exclusive Economic Zone to explore and exploit hydrocarbon resources. A coastal state can declare an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) without being a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS). Although Türkiye and the TRNC are not parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS) but they have the right to declare an Exclusive Economic Zone. Article 74 of the 1982 UNCLOS on determining the boundaries of the EEZ; Article 83 which determines the boundaries of the Continental Shelf; Articles 122 and 123 on "Closed, Semi Enclosed Seas" and Articles 300 and 311 which regulate the non-abuse of the rights in the implementation of the Convention are related to the fair sharing of the regulation on semi enclosed seas i...

The 1982 UNCLOS is an acceptance-based convention.

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is not the only source for law of the sea. In fact, it is the weakest resource because it is a contract. The riparian states of the Eastern Mediterranean are attempting to declare an Exclusive Economic Zone to explore and exploit hydrocarbon resources. A coastal state can declare an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) without being a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS). Türkiye and the TRNC are not parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS), they have the right to declare an Exclusive Economic Zone. Although Turkey is not a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, it is aware that the provisions of the contract have also become customary due to the fact that many countries are party to it and implement the rules of the said convention. Customs, which are a direct source of international law, are as effective and binding as international agreem...

Maritime delimitation dispute in Eastern Mediterranean

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to my presentation.  First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today and  I'm going to talk about Maritime delimitation dispute in Eastern Mediterranean The riparian states of the Eastern Mediterranean are attempting to declare an Exclusive Economic Zone to explore and exploit hydrocarbon resources. A coastal state can declare an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) without being a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Although Türkiye and the TRNC are not parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea but they have the right to declare an Exclusive Economic Zone. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea  regulates sovereign rights of the coastal state, which is for economic purposes, include legislative and judicial powers. However,  United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea  also gives third states some rights on this maritime zone. Economic activities should not violate the r...